The Annual General Meeting of St Just Rugby Football Club Limited will, be held on Wednesday 26 June 2024commencing at 7.30 pm at the Club House.
All eligible members or (life members) having paid their subscription for the current season are requested to attend.
Nominations for the posts of President, Chair, Vice Chair, Honorary Secretary and Honorary Treasurer should be sent to the Honorary Secretary by Monday 17 June 2024. Electronic nominations can be e-mailed to the Secretary ( with both proposer and seconder sending separate e-mails. The candidate to confirm that they are agreeable to the nomination again by e-mail.
Nominations can also be made via the notice in the clubhouse or below.
Postal nominations, in the prescribed format, (see above) should be sent to the Honorary Secretary (3 Heabrook Parc, Heamoor, Penzance TR18 3QR). Details of the nominations will be published on the Website and Facebook on the 17 June 2024.
The Agenda for the Annual General Meeting is available from The Hon Secretary
This Notice shall serve as adequate Notification of the Date, Time and Venue of the Annual General Meeting with members being served with the Annual Report which will include nominations for the posts listed in the Agenda on, or by, the 17 June 2024
Nick Jelbart
Hon. Secretary